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in a small village lived a large family, the heike family. they had a son, shigetada, and daughter, tomoe. Shigetada was a brave young man and Tomoe was beautiful and clever. But they both had an inner strength that not many others did. Shigetada was a brave and loyal warrior. He wanted to take up arms and fight in the battles of the Heike clans. He trained for years under the tutelage of an old master and became a masterful swordsman. Tomoe, intelligent and independent, wanted to take a different path. She wanted to be a leader and guide people in the right direction. So she decided to study the ways of the samurai and become a warrior in her own right. In the spring of 1183, the Heike family and their allies were attacked by the Minamoto clan from the east. Shigetada and Tomoe both fought hard but realized very quickly that they were no match for the Minamoto's superior skill and numbers. The Heike family was devastated and in danger of failing. To secure their future, Shigetada and Tomoe decided to enlist the help of a powerful and intelligent race known as the tengu. The tengu agreed to help them, rescuing them from certain death and giving them the strength of the tengu. With this newfound power, Shigetada and Tomoe lead the Heike clan to victory. The tale of the Heike family and their powerful allies captured the imaginations of many. The tale of Shigetada and Tomoe became known as the Heike Monogatari, and is still told to this day. The strength and courage of Shigetada and Tomoe still inspire the people of Japan and are a reminder of the immense power of family loyalty and strength of spirit. The Heike family will be forever remembered for their bravery in the face of danger and their strength in the face of adversity.

