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"雷神/Thor of Thunder" Thor of Thunder is a member of the Asgardians, a pantheon of powerful gods from the realm of Asgard. He is widely viewed as the most powerful of all Asgardians and is the son of Odin, the King of Asgard. Thor’s main weapon is a hammer crafted out of Uru, a magical metal with powerful magical properties. This hammer, Mjolnir, grants him a variety of abilities including flight, the power of lightning, and control over storms. Humanity has long told tales of Thor of Thunder through myths, stories, and legends. In many cultures he is viewed as a protector of mankind, interceding to hold back the power of the gods. He was known as a god of war and of storms, with his name inspiring fear in many. He was seen as a symbol of bravery and great strength, and as a symbol of the power of justice. Thor is a very central figure in many modern comic book storylines. He often finds himself at the heart of superhero stories that involve huge stakes and dire consequences to the world. He also routinely unites with other superheroes such as Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and the X-Men in order to protect Earth from the forces of evil. At the heart of Thor’s heroic journeys is the need to protect his people from harm and to help them thrive and prosper. But he is a complex character, torn between his duty as an Asgardian and the moral code of an earthly super hero. While this can make him conflicted, it also allows him to show empathy and compassion towards his opponents, something that many of his superhero peers fail to do. Despite having human friends and allies, Thor’s true heart lies with Asgard. He is fiercely loyal to the kingdom and to its people, and is often willing to make any sacrifice necessary to ensure their safety. He also believes that all Asgardians must live up to their best selves and do their best to protect each other. In the end, Thor is the embodiment of Asgard’s greatness and goodness, and is truly a superhero the whole world looks up to.


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